Saturday, March 24, 2012

DropDownPanelId for AutoCompleteExtender replacement?


I was wondering if there was a replacement for the dropdownpanelid that was part of the autocompleteextender in the updated AJAX Beta. Was this taken out? Or is there another way to change the font of the dropdown text?

I had the same question. Try this blog entry:Wintellog- 2 visits- Oct 28

But the one that threw me for a loop was the AutoCompleteExtender's new CompletionListElementID property. In the last CTP, the property was named ... - 66k -Cached -Similar pages

I beleive the answer is the CompletionListElementID, but it works slightly differently. Read the above entry.

I'm playing around with the new ASP.NET AJAX 1.0 and I cannot find any documentation on theAutoCompleteExtender properties such as :

- CompletionInterval

- CompletionListElementID

- CompletionSetCount

And yes, I already read that page :

but there is really not much in it and it's not even "official"...

Any link to a more precise description of those properties would be highly appreciated Wink

While we work closely with the ASP.NET AJAX team when developing the Toolkit, they're the real experts on general ASP.NET AJAX issues. Your problem doesn't seem to be directly related to the Toolkit, so we'd appreciate if you considered posting to one of theother newsgroups such asAJAX Discussion and Suggestions. Your post will be more helpful to others looking for similar advice if it's in the right place. Thank you!

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