Monday, March 26, 2012

Dynamic Ajax Content rendering in a div tag

Hi All,

I had a requirement like, where i will do asynchrounous get of data, and load the data say 10 records in a div tag. if user scroll through the div and reaches teh end of the div tag, i will remove all conents from div and load fresh contents from 11-20 in div. Like this it goes...

Now my problem,

Step 1:- 1-10 records show in div (now user scroll to end of div)

Step 2:- Remove 1-10 records show 11-20 records in div. My Question is if user wants to see 1-10 records back, i am not able to take the user to the top since the first record is at the top of the div. I can't fire any event here.

Can anyone help on this?

Thanks in advance,


Can you poste some code? I get the idea but I want to see what even handler you are using to track the scrolling in conjunction with the records being scrolled. Perhaps also you might want to use hidden fields that put the value of the previous set of pages (in your case 1-10).


Thank you for your post!

I suggest you keep 20 records in the div, and just display half of them.

Then, when you want get the pre 10 records, just do it like you get the next 10 Records because you can fire some events of the scroll.

If you have further questions,let me know.

Best Regards,

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