Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Dynamic Gridview


I've got a quetion on dynamic gridview load. In my atlas website project i have a gridview that i want to load dynamically. That is, I don't want to load all the data in my datasource because the web page could charge slowly; so, i want to charge only part of the data as fast as possible then, load the other paghes when the user asks for it. How can I do it? Am I to write a C# class in order to manage the load?



it depends on what level do u want to do this ,at what level is it loading slowly.....1)from the dataserver to the dataobject or 2)the control to the current instance of the page...?

it downloads slowly from the dataserver to the dataobject

where is your select query placed?may be in datasource...... place it in a stored procedure as stored procedures are precompiled..... & call the stored procedure....also set EnablePaging to true of the gridview.

My query select is placed in my datasource and my EnablePaging is set to true

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