Monday, March 26, 2012

Dynamic Accordion with Paging

hi there; using 2.0 (vb) i've just created a page that, in the page load event, retreives a number of records from the database.

as each record is read into a dataset, a new accordon panel is created. the panel header displays the fldName and the panel content displays the fldContent from the table.

this all works great. the issue i'm having is that it currently displays all the records (approx 200) and i only want 10 records displayed at a time.

my question is, is there somehow a way to implement paging? i found the following article:

but i'm not familiar enough with C# to understand.

also, any idea if paging for the accordion is in the works?

thanks all.

You can use a paged data source...

Basically, create a datatable from your recordset, and then...
Dim pds As New PagedDataSource
pds.DataSource = (whatever then dataset is called).Tables(0).DefaultView
pds.AllowPaging = True
pds.PageSize = 10
pds.CurrentPageIndex = curpage (passed into the databind sub, optional value that = 0 at first)
CurrentPage (see below) = pds.CurrentPageIndex + 1

What I do is to create a viewstate item called CurrentPage to keep track of the pages...
Public Property CurrentPage() As Integer
Dim o As Object = Me.ViewState.Item("_CurrentPage")
If o Is Nothing Then
Return 0
Return o
End If
End Get
Set(ByVal value As Integer)
Me.ViewState.Item("_CurrentPage") = value
End Set
End Property

You can then have linkbuttons to guide through pages... Just rebind using your sub and pass in CurrentPage as the curpage to advance or CurrentPage - 1 to go back.

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