Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Dynamic controls and problem with UpdateProgress

I dynamically create several LinkButtons, and attach enenthandler for command event, and assign it for triggering Updatepanel. It works, but UpdateProgress doesn't show. I tried to add static button and assign it to updatepanel for triggering, and in this case updateprogress works, so i guess that's everything ok with ajax.

This is code in aspx:

1<asp:PlaceHolder ID="phMenu" runat="server"></asp:PlaceHolder>2<asp:UpdateProgress ID="UpdateProgress1" AssociatedUpdatePanelID="UpdatePanel1" runat="server" DisplayAfter="10">3 <ProgressTemplate>4 <span style="color: #ff0066">5 loading... </span>6</ProgressTemplate>7</asp:UpdateProgress>89<asp:UpdatePanel ID="UpdatePanel1" runat="server" >10<ContentTemplate>11<table width="100%" cellpadding=2 cellspacing=0 border=0>12 <asp:Repeater ID="rptFeeds" runat="server" EnableViewState=false>13 <ItemTemplate>14 <tr>15 <td>16 ... some data from db...17 </td>18 </tr>19 </ItemTemplate>20 </asp:Repeater>21 </table></ContentTemplate>22</asp:UpdatePanel>

code-behind in void OnInit:

1foreach (Category catin list)2{3 Panel pnl =new Panel();4 pnl.ID ="menu_" + cat.Id.ToString() ;5 pnl.CssClass ="menu_item";67 LinkButton lb =new LinkButton();8 lb.CommandArgument = cat.Id.ToString();9 lb.Command +=new CommandEventHandler(Clicked);10 lb.ID="trigger_"+cat.Id.ToString();11 lb.Text = cat.Name;12 lb.CssClass ="menu_a";1314 AsyncPostBackTrigger trigger =new AsyncPostBackTrigger();15 trigger.ControlID ="trigger_" + cat.Id.ToString();16 trigger.EventName ="Command";17 UpdatePanel1.Triggers.Add(trigger);1819 pnl.Controls.Add(lb);20 phMenu.Controls.Add(pnl);21}2223protected void Clicked(object sender, CommandEventArgs e)24{25 ChangeCat(Convert.ToInt32(e.CommandArgument));26}

Can you see why UpdateProgess doesn't work?


I think it's a normal issue.

You can set the clientclick property of theDynamic controls to show the UpdateProgess.


The problem is that the control you want to trigger the UpdateProgress control is not inside the UpdatePanel.

See my post here: for an explanation of why that doesn't work.

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