Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Dynamic Content into ModalPopup

I've just started playing with the AJAX Toolkit. One thing I am stuck on, ishow to get dynamic content into the controls that are in the modalPopup PopupControlID?

A very simple example:

There is a textbox and a button. When you enter text then click the button, a modal popup appears saying "You entered..." and whatever you typed. Is there a way to do this in the codebehind? It dosen't seem like the button click event is firing since it is the "TargetControlID" of the modalPopup.


Have a look at this blog I did this my self the other day but I did it a slightly different way, when I get back to work I will post the code.

Thank you for the reply. I took a look at the article, and there is some good information there. I actually ended up accomplishing what I need by assigning the "TargetControlID" to a bogus control (using this example, it's a bummer this property cannot be null or empty) and using the ModalPopupExtender1.Show() method. This seems to be doing the trick. This way, I can use any event or condition to pop the ModalPopup, and all of the controls (including the panel i am using as the "PopupControlID". are accessable at design.

So, i have a button, on the click event i create all of the controls i need and add them to the panel, then call ModalPopup1.Show() and there it is.

Now the problem i'm facing is getting values from the ModalPopup back into the main screen. For example, if I have a textbox in the ModalPopup, when the user clicks OK on the modalpopup, how to i get that value? Remember that the TextBox and it's properties were generated at runtime, so after postback, they wont' exist. I guess I could try to use the Request.Form key values?


I guess I could try to use the Request.Form key values?

This is a option.

Or you can use a HiddenField which will always be on the page to keep this value. The value of HiddenField can be set in onclick client side event handler of ok button.

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