Saturday, March 24, 2012

DropDownList, UpdatePanel, ControlEventTrigger and TimerControl affecting other UpdatePane

I've run across a problem so I've created some sample code below that replicates what I'm seeing.

I've got an UpdatePanel(up_Test) that has a control in it. I've got a TimerControl that fires every 2 seconds and my UpdatePanel has a Trigger to refresh on my TimerControl's Tick event.

I've got a DropDownList on the page(ddl_Test), with an AutoPostBack="true", I've got another UpdatePanel on the page that has a Trigger to refresh on my DropDownList's SelectedIndexChanged event. In this UpdatePanel I've got another DropDownList that gets its SelectedIndex set to the SelectedIndex of the first DropDownList.

Everything works as expected, except when I test it with IE6, when the TimerControl fires, the DropDownList in the second UpdatePanel gets refreshed. It doesn't seem to happen(or at least isn't noticable) with IE7(which is on the machine I'd been writing this on).

Basically, I wrote this big page that has a ton of different updatepanel's on it each with triggers to specific controls and that whole section worked great, but then on my masterpage, when I put a gridview with a timercontrol, suddenly, the page practically became unusable as all of the updatepanels suddenly trigger when the TimerControl fires. Is there some work-around I can do, or do I just need to drop the TimerControl and scrap the whole layout?




void Page_Load(object sender,EventArgs e)


if (!Page.IsPostBack)


for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)


string itemtext ="This is a long string to make it noticable " + i.ToString();







protectedvoid ddl_Test1_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender,EventArgs e)


ddl_Test2.SelectedIndex = ddl_Test1.SelectedIndex;


protectedvoid tc_Test_Tick(object sender,EventArgs e)


Random r=newRandom();

ddl_Test.SelectedIndex = r.Next(9);


Mode="Conditional" on the update panels fixes the problem. I guess I just assumed putting in the <trigger> lines caused it to use the triggers but you have to change the updatepanel's mode too.

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