Wednesday, March 21, 2012

DropDownExtender list is very disconnected from DropDownExtender label...why?


I have included a DropDownExtender control on my site's master page (currently with only two options to drop down). The DDE is targeting an asp:Label.

My problem is that when I move my mouse over the Label, the drop down list shows up at the bottom of the page! (For what it matters, in the past I have tried replacing the DDE with a HoverMenu and still the same problem occurs; the options that show up after hovering over the list show up at the bottom of the page).

The only styles I have in the table column that the DDE is located in is:


Does anyone have any idea as to why this is occurring...and what the fix could be? I appreciate any help, thank you. Frank

I have included the body of the site here:







<!--Main Table for the body-->


<!--Title/Navigation Links Row-->





<aid="homelink"runat="server"href="">Blog Frankly</a>

<aid="anomalylink"runat="server"href="Default.aspx">Anomalies Home</a>

<aid="emaillink"runat="server"href="Email.aspx">Contact Me</a>






<!--Main Content-->


<!--Left Content Selection Column-->







Style="display:none; visibility:hidden;">


Text="UFO Images"




Text="UFO Videos"






<!--Middle Content Column-->







<!--Footer Row-->



<p>©2007 Frank Maybusher. All Rights Reserved.</p>







Hi Maybush1,

I was failed to reproduce your issue with the sample code so I suspect that your Ajax Control Toolkit lower than V10618. If true, please please upgrade and have a test. Also, I should suggest you add CSS to your Panel (panelDropUFO).

Best regards,


Hi Jonathan,

Thanks for your reply.

I have tried what you suggested: upgraded the Toolkit to version 10920 and also I have tried positioning the Panel using CSS to no avail. The panel just does not want to respond to anything. It it still very disconnected and about 300 pixels down from the actual TargetControl Label. I've been trying to work on this for several weeks now (no kidding)! I'm at a complete loss.


Hi Maybush1,

I have tested with your code on my machine and it works pretty well. So really sorry that we cannot reproduce your issue and give your further more advices. Here is the test sample.

<form id="form1" runat="server"> <asp:ScriptManager ID="ScriptManager1" runat="server" /> <img src="pic/upg_Business.jpg" id="bg" alt="" /> <div id="content"><!--Main Table for the body--> <table id="maintable"><!--Title/Navigation Links Row--> <tr id="title"> <td colspan="2"> <img src="pic/upg_HomeBasic.jpg" alt="" /> <p> <a id="homelink" runat="server" href="">Blog Frankly</a>       <a id="anomalylink" runat="server" href="Default.aspx">Anomalies Home</a>       <a id="emaillink" runat="server" href="Email.aspx">Contact Me</a>       <a id="adminlink" runat="server" href="Login.aspx">Admin</a> </p> <p> </p> </td> </tr><!--Main Content--> <tr id="midbody"><!--Left Content Selection Column--> <td id="leftcolumn"> <ajaxToolkit:DropDownExtender ID="ddeCategories" runat="server" TargetControlID="lblDropUFO" DropDownControlID="panelDropUFO"> </ajaxToolkit:DropDownExtender> <asp:Panel ID="panelDropUFO" runat="server" Style="display: none; visibility: hidden;"> <asp:LinkButton ID="lbUFOImages" runat="server" Text="UFO Images" Width="114px"/><br /> <asp:LinkButton ID="lbUFOVids" runat="server" Text="UFO Videos" Width="115px" /> </asp:Panel> <asp:Label ID="lblDropUFO" runat="server" Text="UFO's" Width="119px" /> </td> </tr><!--Footer Row--> <tr id="footer"> <td colspan="2"> <p> ?2007 Frank Maybusher. All Rights Reserved.</p> </td> </tr> </table> </div> </form>

My Ajax Control Toolkit's version is V10618. Would you please test it on another machine? If your problem is still there, please share more information.

I hope this help.

Best regards,


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