Sunday, March 11, 2012

DropDownExtender as in SharePoint

Another thing I can't figure out: how can I place an image in front of the option of the dropdownextender? Using an ImageButton the image is placed on line 1 and text on the second, but of course I would like the text to accompany the image on the same line.
Maybe someone could point me in the direction of some documentation. I only found the samplepages which don't really tell me how I can use these controls the way I want. And I assume I'm not the only one using this toolkit?Tongue Tied

Regarding the link not working, I have seen this problem occasionally and am looking into a solution for it. The extender does its best to allow links to continue to work correctly when they are decorated with the extender. As far as images in the menu, the menu from the sample site is styled using CSS, so you can add an image by modifying the CSS. The easiest way is to add an <img src='...' style='height:16px;width:16px;float:left;margin-left:-30px;' > before the text inside the asp:HyperLink in the menu. This will float the image and offset it into the padded area.


Ah ok, I thought there would be a nicer solution since an imagebutton is already placed into the correct section of the dropdown. I'm looking forward to an updated version which displays the link properly. I would be my guess the extender is rendered above the link (higher z-index) and therefore renders the hyperlink unclickable. Maybe you could copy the hyperlink and place the copy above the rendered extender (z-index++)?

Hmmm, I just upgraded to the new AJAX release and it seems some things have changed. Unfortunataly not in a good way :( I use the dropdownextender in a gridview to render a menu for each row. That worked quite fine, but with the new release the dropdown menu is renderedbehind the other row links, so the menu isn't visible. I've been playing around with z-indexes, but nothing seems to work. Anyone who can help me out on this one?

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