Sunday, March 11, 2012

DropDownExtender Alignment Problems

I have a similar issue - I'm using a DropDownExtender in a DataList, but the DropPanel appears below and to the right of the target item. I thought that it might have something to do with our master page. I had a positioning issue when using a AnimationExtender (the flyout was always below and to the right of where I wanted), but I was able to resolve it by adjusting the position of the flyout div. There was already a function in the sample to set the location of the flyout div, and I just adjusted it by the offsetHeight of the master page header, and the offsetWidth of the sidebar.

I realize that the sample is also contained in a master page, with no such positioning issues, but I still can't shake the feeling that our master page is causing my DropDownExtender positioning issues.

Like you, I downloaded the latest release of ControlToolKit, because I saw some info which made me think that this type of positioning issue may have been a bug. Alas, it did not solve my problem.

I finally gave up on the drop down extender. I was able to accomplish what I needed with the hover menu. It allows me to set the x and y coordinate to get the drop panel where I needed it. I really didn't need the drop down arrow and frame. So I was able to use CSS for hover colors and then the menu. All seems to be working for me so far.

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